High frequency Induction Soldering Brass Tubes

Objective To simultaneously high frequency Induction Soldering Brass Tubessolder to a brass water jacket assembly with induction heating. Equipment DW-HF-15KW Induction Heating Machine Key Parameters Power: 5 kW Temperature: 424°F (217°C) Time: 10 seconds until the alloy flows; 15 seconds to allow alloy to even out around the tube. TEST 1 Materials • Brass water … Read more

Induction Soldering Brass To Copper

Induction Soldering Brass To Copper With IGBT High Frequency Heating Equipment

Objective To heat brass and copper for soldering application on medical equipment
Material Brass ring, brass and copper pieces 5.11” (130mm) long, 4.3” (110mm) OD & 0.3” (7mm) at thickest point and solder rings
Temperature 392 ºF (200 ºC)
Frequency 306 kHz
Equipment • DW-UHF-10 kW induction heating system, equipped with a remote workhead containing two 0.33μF capacitors for a total of 0.66μF
• An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.
Process This process is completed in two steps that use a 3 turn helical coil. The first process is to solder the brass ring to the copper piece which takes 85 seconds. The second step is to solder a large brass piece to the first assembly. This process takes 50 seconds for a total process time of two minutes 15 seconds.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
• Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill for manufacturing
• Even distribution of heating
• Faster process time, current process takes 5 minutes
• Consistency by using solder rings


induction soldering brass to copper









soldering brass to copper









soldering brass and copper







induction soldering brass and copper

Induction Soldering Brass Tube-Pipe

Induction Soldering Brass Tube-Pipe-Tubing With RF Soldering Heating System

Objective: Soldering two brass tubes measuring 3/4″ and 1/4″ together for use as cellular phone antennas. The lengths of tubes range from four (4) feet to twelve (12) feet, and must be soldered along the axial side. The joint is to be made using 60/40 Tin Lead Solder and Kestor Rosin paste flux.
Material: Brass Tubes measuring 3/4″ and 1/4″ 60/40 Tin Lead Solder
Kestor Rosin Flux
Temperature: 3750F
Application: Through the use of the the DW-UHF-40KW output solid state induction power supply along with a unique five (5) turn 12″ long channel coil, the following results were achieved:
3750 F was reached and the solder flowed after a heating period of 35 seconds.
A production rate of 24″ per minute was determined to be adequate.
A quality solder fillet was observed after heating and cooling
Equipment: DW-UHF-40kW output solid state induction power supply including one (1) remote heat station containing two (2) capacitors, and a unique five (5) turn channel coil made from 3/16″ copper tubing and measuring 1 1/4″ by 12″.
Frequency: 385 kHz

induction soldering brass tube



Induction Soldering Brass Assembly

Induction Soldering Brass Assembly With High Frequency Soldering Units

Objective: To heat a brass bellows and end cap assembly to 4500F for soldering within 20 seconds. Presently, a soldering iron is used to produce the joint between the bellows and cap. The customer requests a quality solder joint with minimal heating of the bellows to prevent annealing and performance losses. Solder preforms, in the form of flat washers, are to be used to complete this application.
Material: Brass Bellows measuring 2″ in diameter Solder Preforms
Cadmium Free Flux
Temperature: 4500F
Application: The DW-UHF-20kW output solid state induction power supply along with a unique three (3) turn double wound helical coil was utilized to achieve the following results:
4500F was reached and solder flow completed in 6.3 seconds.
A quality repeatable solder joint was observed.
Equipment: DW-UHF-20kW output solid state induction power supply including one (1) remote heat station containing one (1) 1.2 μF capacitor, and a unique three (3) turn double wound helical coil with an inside diameter of 0.4″.
Frequency: 307 kHz

Induction Soldering Brass

Induction Soldering Brass Rings

Induction Soldering Brass Rings With High Frequency IGBT Induction Heater

Objective: To heat 1 3/4″, 3″ and 6″ diameter brass slip rings and a sheathed copper wire assembly to 3600 F for soldering within three (3) to six (6) seconds. Currently production is accomplished by using a soldering iron and stick feeding rosin cored solder. This process leaves unwanted solder on the side of the slip ring where the soldering iron makes contact. The customer would like to see an increase in joint quality without sacrificing time.
Material: 303 Brass Slip Rings of 1 3/4″, 3″ and 6″ diameters. Sheathed Copper Wire Assembly.
Resin Core Solder, 37% Pb, 63% Sn.
Temperature: 3750F
Application: Through laboratory testing, the DW-UHF-20kW output solid state induction power supply along with a unique four (4) turn “ear muff” type coil produced the following results:
Times to reach 3750 F are as listed below:
– 1 3/4″ in 3 seconds
– 3″ in 3-4 seconds
– 6″ in 5 seconds
Adequate solder flow was observed producing a clean joint.
Solder preforms are recommended to speed up production.
Side loading was facilitated by the unique four (4) turn “ear muff” style coil.
Equipment: DW-UHF-20kW output solid state induction power supply including one (1) remote heat station containing one (1) 1.0 μFcapacitor, a 4-20mA input for fast ramp simulation, and a unique four (4) turn “ear muff” style coil.
Frequency: 265 kHz

induction soldering brass ring

Soldering Steel To Brass With Induction Heater

Soldering Steel To Brass With Induction IGBT Soldering Heater

Objective Heat an assembly of small, gold-plated steel connectors to a brass block.
Material Approx. 1/8” (3.2mm) diameter gold-plated steel connectors, 1”(25.4mm) square x 1/4” thick brass block
Temperature 600°F(315.6ºC)
Frequency 240 kHz
Equipment • DW-UHF-6kW induction heating system equipped with a remote workhead.
• An induction heating coil designed and developed specifically for this application.
Process A two-turn helical coil is used to provide uniform heat to parts assembly. Solder paste and flux are applied to the joint area and power is applied for 20 seconds to solder the parts. Proper
fixturing is needed to hold the parts in position.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
• Rapid, localized heating to specific regions of part
• Neat and clean joints
• Flameless processing

induction soldering steel to brass
