Induction Annealing Steel Wire

Induction Annealing Steel Wire With High Frequency Heating System

Objective To heat 3ā€ (76.2mm) from the end of the wire on a woven wireĀ cloth 60ā€ (1.52m) long. This prepares the wire mesh forĀ bending in a press brake.
Material Woven wire cloth (steel) made of 1/2ā€ (12.7) diameter wire, 60ā€Ā (1.52m) long. Wires are 1.5ā€ (38.1) apart
Temperature 1400 ĀŗF (760 ĀŗC)
Frequency 60Ā kHz
Equipment ā€¢ DW-HF-60kW induction heating system, equipped with aĀ remote workhead containing three 25Ī¼F capacitors for aĀ total of 75Ī¼F
ā€¢ An induction heating coil designed and developedĀ specifically for this application.
Process A two turn oval coil is used to heat the woven wire. The wovenĀ wire is placed in the coil and heated for 50Ā seconds to soften aĀ 60ā€ (1.52m) length of the wire 3ā€ (76.2mm) deep. The wovenĀ wire is then placed in a press brake for the bending process.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Faster production process
ā€¢ High efficiency, low energy costs compared to gas furnace
ā€¢ Fast, controllable process
ā€¢ Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill forĀ manufacturing

Induction Annealing Steel Wire






Induction Annealing Wire




Annealing Steel Wire



Technology of Induction Forming Steel Plate

Technology of Induction Forming Steel Plate

Triangle heating technique using a gas flame is used to deform steel plate in ship construction. However, in the flameĀ heating process, the heat source is often difficult to control and parts cannot be deformed efficiently. In this study, aĀ numerical model is developed to study the triangle heating technique with the more controllable heat source of high frequencyĀ induction heating and to analyze the deformation of steel plate in the heating process. To simplify the manyĀ complex trajectories of the triangle heating technique, a rotational path of inductor is suggested and then a 2-dimensionalĀ circular heat input model is proposed. The heat flow and transverse shrinkage in steel plate during triangle heating with theĀ induction heat are analyzed. The results of the analyses are compared with those of experiments to show the good
agreement. The heat source and thermo-mechanical analysis models proposed in this study were effective and efficient forĀ simulating the triangle heating technique in the forming of steel plate in shipbuilding.

Technology of Induction Forming Steel Plate

Induction Brazing Steel Tips

Induction Brazing Steel Tips with Hihg Frequency Heating System

Objective To heat a steel tip and shank assembly to 1300Ā°F (704Ā°C)Ā within 3 seconds for brazing with induction heating instead ofĀ torch brazing.
Material 0.1ā€ (2.54mm) diameter steel tip & shank, 0.07ā€ (1.78mm)Ā diameter braze ring
Temperature 1300Ā°F (704Ā°C)
Frequency 800kHz
Equipment DW-UHF-4.5kW induction heating system, remote heat stationĀ containing one 1.2 microfarad capacitor.
Process A two turn helical coil is used to braze the dental parts. TheĀ braze ring is placed at the joint area of the steel tip and shank.Ā Black flux is applied to the joint area. RF power is applied for 3Ā seconds to heat the parts to the established target temperatureĀ and the braze paste flows evenly and consistantly.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Fast, accurate, repeatable heat
ā€¢ Ability to heat very small areas within precise productionĀ tolerances
ā€¢ Better joint quality, reduced oxidation
ā€¢ Increased production rates and reduced labor costs

Induction Brazing Steel Wire

Induction Brazing Steel Wire With High Frequency Heating Brazer

Objective To heat a coil and a wire assembly to 1300Ā°F (704Ā°C) withinĀ 60 seconds for brazing.
Material Platinum coil, steel wire, braze paste
Temperature 1300Ā°F (704Ā°C)
Frequency 1000kHz
Equipment DW-UHF-4.5kW output, remote heat station containing oneĀ 1.2 microfarad capacitor, a specially-designed induction coil,Ā an optical pyrometer, stainless steel susceptor, and zirconia
felt to house the susceptor.
Process A C-shaped steel susceptor is used to ensure even heatingĀ and for ease of loading and unloading the samples. RF powerĀ from the power supply heats the susceptor to the requiredĀ temperature of 1700Ā°F (926Ā°C) in 45 seconds. After brazeĀ paste is applied to the wire assembly, the assembly is placed
inside the susceptor. It takes 3.5 seconds to heat the wire toĀ the optimum brazing temperature of 1300Ā°F (704Ā°C) and theĀ braze paste flows evenly and consistently.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Fast, accurate, repeatable heat
ā€¢ Ability to heat very small areas within precise productionĀ tolerances
ā€¢ Better joint quality, reduced oxidation

Induction Brazing Copper Assembly

Induction Brazing Copper Assembly With High Frequency Heating Equipment

Objective Brazing a copper pivot assembly
Material Two copper uprights 2ā€ (5cm) wide x 4ā€ (10.2cm) high, copperĀ base 3ā€ (7.6cm) x 2ā€ (5cm) and .5ā€ (1.3mm) thick with 2Ā channels for the uprights to the slide into, braze shims andĀ black flux
Temperature 1350 ĀŗF (732 ĀŗC)
Frequency 200 kHz
Equipment ā€¢DW-UHF-20kW induction heating system, equipped with aĀ remote workhead containing two 1.0Ī¼F capacitors for aĀ total of 0.5Ī¼F
ā€¢ An induction heating coil designed and developedĀ specifically for this application.
Process A three turn helical coil is used to heat the base of theĀ assembly. The copper uprights and two braze shims areĀ placed in the grooves in the base and black flux is applied. TheĀ assembly is placed in the coil and power is applied for 4Ā minutes to braze both the uprights in place.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Rapid localized heat which can minimize oxidation andĀ reduce cleaning after joining
ā€¢ Consistent and repeatable joints
ā€¢ Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill forĀ manufacturing
ā€¢ Even distribution of heating

Induction Brazing Brass Faucet

Induction Brazing Brass Faucet

Objective Brazing two joints on a brass bathroom faucet assembly
Material Brass bathroom fittings 1ā€ OD, brazing rings, flux
Temperature 1148 ĀŗF (620 ĀŗC)
Frequency 90 kHz
Equipment ā€¢ DW-UHF-30 kW induction heating system, equipped with aĀ remote workhead containing eight 1.0 Ī¼F capacitors for aĀ total of 8.0 Ī¼F
ā€¢ An induction heating coil designed and developedĀ specifically for this application.
Process A two turn C shaped coil is used to braze the faucet assembly.
The braze rings are placed at the joint, the parts assembledĀ and fluxed. The first braze joint is heated for 30 seconds andĀ the braze ring flows. The assembly is rotated & the secondĀ joint is heated for 30 seconds to flow the braze ring. The twoĀ brazes are completed in 60 seconds.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Faster, repeatable and consistent results
ā€¢ Localized heat produces neat and clean joints
ā€¢ Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill forĀ manufacturing
ā€¢ Even distribution of heating

Induction Brazing Steel To Carbide Plate

Induction Brazing Steel To Carbide Plate

Objective Brazing a steel piston valve assembly
Material Steel piston valve 4.5ā€ dia (11.43cm), tungsten carbide plateĀ and braze
Temperature 1350 ĀŗF
Frequency 100Ā kHz
Equipment ā€¢DW-UHF-40kW induction heating system, equipped with aĀ remote workhead containing six 1.0Ī¼F capacitors for a totalĀ of 1.5Ī¼F
ā€¢ An induction heating coil designed and developedĀ specifically for this application.
Process A five turn pancake coil is used to braze the piston valve andĀ tungsten carbide plate. The assembly was heated for 10Ā minutes to flow the braze and join the two pieces.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Rapid localized heat, which can minimize oxidation andĀ reduce cleaning after joining
ā€¢ Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill forĀ manufacturing
ā€¢ Clean and controllable joints
ā€¢ Produces high quality repeatable parts

Hydrogen Atmosphere Brazing Tube To Copper With Induction

Hydrogen Atmosphere Brazing Tube To Copper with induction

Objective: Braze a NI-SPAN-C alloy tube to a steel cap in a hydrogenĀ atmosphere
Material NI-SPAN-C alloy tube (5mm) dia, steel cap (7mm) dia, (7mm)Ā long, nickel braze, quartz tube and hydrogen
Temperature: 1875 ĀŗF (1024 ĀŗC)
Frequency: 350 kHz
Equipment ā€¢DW-UHF-20kW induction heating system, equipped with aĀ remote workhead containing two 1.5Ī¼F capacitors for aĀ total of 0.75Ī¼F
ā€¢ An induction heating coil designed and developedĀ specifically for this application.
Process A single turn helical coil is used to heat the tube assemblyĀ directly. The tube assembly is held in place inside the quartzĀ tube by a copper fixture and hydrogen is fed into the quartzĀ tube. Braze preforms are placed at the braze area and heat isĀ applied for 60 seconds to flow the braze.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Rapid localized heat to joint area only
ā€¢ Minimized oxidation reduces cleaning time
ā€¢ Improved part quality
ā€¢ Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill forĀ manufacturing

Brazing Carbide Tips To Steel With Induction

Brazing Carbide Tips To Steel With Induction Heater

Objective: Braze a carbide tip to a 4140 steel cutting tool
Material: Carbide Isograde C2 & C5 tips, 4140 circular steel cutter, fluxĀ and silver braze shim
Temperature 1400 ĀŗF (760 ĀŗC)
Frequency 250 kHz
Equipment ā€¢ DW-UHF-20Ā kW induction heating system, equipped with aĀ remote workhead containing two 1.5Ī¼F capacitors for aĀ total of 0.75Ī¼F
ā€¢ An induction heating coil designed and developedĀ specifically for this application.
Process A split helical coil is used to heat the carbide & circular steelĀ cutter evenly for the brazing application. The circular steelĀ cutter is placed in a vise and the carbide and braze shim areĀ placed onto the tooth. The assembly is heated for 5 seconds toĀ braze the carbide to the circular steel cutter. The circular steelĀ cutter is rotated in the vise & each carbide tip is brazedĀ separately without effecting the previous braze.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Rapid, localized heat applied only to tip being brazed, willĀ not effect previous brazes on the assembly
ā€¢ Neat and clean joints
ā€¢ Produces high quality repeatable parts

Brazing Wire to Copper Bar With Induction

Brazing Wire to Copper Bar With Induction

Objective: To heat a compacted litz wire bundle for wire stripping thenĀ braze the litz wire bundle to a copper block for use in anĀ automotive motor.
Material: Compacted litz wire bundle 0.388ā€ (9.85mm) wide, 0.08ā€Ā (2.03mm) thickĀ copper bar 0.5ā€ (12.7mm) wide, 0.125ā€ (3.17mm) thick and 1.5ā€Ā (38.1mm) longĀ braze wire & white flux
Temperature 1400 ĀŗF (760 ĀŗC)
Frequency 300 kHz
Equipment ā€¢ DW-UHF-10Ā kW induction heating system, equipped with aĀ remote workhead containing two 1.5Ī¼F capacitors for aĀ total of 0.75Ī¼F
ā€¢ An induction heating coil designed and developedĀ specifically for this application.
Process: A three turn helical coil is used for the wire stripping process.The litz wire bundle is placed in the coil for 3 seconds to stripĀ the lacquer 0.75ā€ (19mm) from the end of the bundle. The wireĀ bundle is then scraped with a metal brush to remove the burntĀ lacquer.Ā For the brazing process a two turn channel coil is used. The litzĀ wire and copper assembly are placed in the coil and the brazeĀ wire is fed by hand. The braze is completed in 45-60 seconds.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Consistent, repeatable results
ā€¢ Faster process time, increased production
ā€¢ Even distribution of heating
