Induction Heating Power Supply


Induction Heating Power Supply

HLQ Induction Heating Machine Co manufactures a wide range of induction heating power supplies including high frequency power series,medium frequency power series,ultrahigh frequency heater series for heating,brazing,forging,melting,bonding,welding,hardening and heating treatment surface applications and for replacement.

Main Characteristics:

  • IGBT module and soft switching inverting technologies are as in the production of the generator,higher reliability can be do.
  • Small and portable ,compared with SCR controlled machine only 1/10 working space is needed. High efficiency to save energy,high efficiency and power far can be maintained
  • The generator is adaptable in a large frequency range from 1KHz to 2.0MHz,installation can be done very easily according to our manual.
  • 100%duty cycle ,continuous working ability at maximum power.
  • Constant power or constant voltage control mode.
  • Display of output power,output frequency,and output voltage.
SeriesModelInput power MaxInput current MaxOscillate frequencyInput VoltageDuty cycle


DW-MF-15 Induction Generator15KW23A1KHz-20KHz According to the application3phases380V±10%100%
DW-MF-25 Induction Generator25KW36A
DW-MF-35Induction Generator35KW51A
DW-MF-45 Induction Generator45KW68A
DW-MF-70 Induction Generator70KW105A
DW-MF-90 Induction Generator90KW135A
DW-MF-110 Induction Generator110KW170A
DW-MF-160 Induction Generator160KW240A
DW-MF-300 Induction Generator300KW400A
DW-MF-45 Induction Heating Rod Forging Furnace45KW68A1KHz-20KHz3phases380V±10%100%
DW-MF-70 Induction Heating Rod Forging Furnace70KW105A
DW-MF-90 Induction Heating Rod Forging Furnace90KW135A
DW-MF-110 Induction Heating Rod Forging Furnace110KW170A
DW-MF-160 Induction Heating Rod Forging Furnace160KW240A
DW-MF-15   Induction Melting Furnace15KW23A1K-20KHz3phases380V±10%100%
DW-MF-25   Induction Melting Furnace25KW36A
DW-MF-35   Induction Melting Furnace35KW51A
DW-MF-45   Induction Melting Furnace45KW68A
DW-MF-70   Induction Melting Furnace70KW105A
DW-MF-90   Induction Melting Furnace90KW135A
DW-MF-110 Induction Melting Furnace110KW170A
DW-MF-160 Induction Melting Furnace160KW240A
DW-MF-110 Induction Hardening Equipment110KW170A1K-8KHz3phases380V±10%100%
DW-MF-160Induction Hardening Equipment160KW240A


DW-HF-15 SeriesDW-HF-15KW15KVA32A30-100KHzSingle phase 220V80%
DW-HF-25 SeriesDW-HF-25KW-A25KVA23A20K-80KHz3phases380V±10%100%
DW-HF-35 SeriesDW-HF-35KW-B35KVA51A
DW-HF-45 SeriesDW-HF-45KW-B45KVA68A
DW-HF-60 SeriesDW-HF-60KW-B60KVA105A
DW-HF-80 SeriesDW-HF-80KW-B80KVA130A
DW-HF-90 SeriesDW-HF-90KW-B90KVA160A
DW-HF-120 SeriesDW-HF-120KW-B120KVA200A
DW-HF-160 SeriesDW-HF-160KW-B160KVA260A





DW-UHF-4.5KW4.5KW20A1.1-2.0MHzSingle phase220V ±10%100%
