Induction Brazing Brass Faucet

Induction Brazing Brass Faucet

Objective Brazing two joints on a brass bathroom faucet assembly
Material Brass bathroom fittings 1ā€ OD, brazing rings, flux
Temperature 1148 ĀŗF (620 ĀŗC)
Frequency 90 kHz
Equipment ā€¢ DW-UHF-30 kW induction heating system, equipped with aĀ remote workhead containing eight 1.0 Ī¼F capacitors for aĀ total of 8.0 Ī¼F
ā€¢ An induction heating coil designed and developedĀ specifically for this application.
Process A two turn C shaped coil is used to braze the faucet assembly.
The braze rings are placed at the joint, the parts assembledĀ and fluxed. The first braze joint is heated for 30 seconds andĀ the braze ring flows. The assembly is rotated & the secondĀ joint is heated for 30 seconds to flow the braze ring. The twoĀ brazes are completed in 60 seconds.
Results/Benefits Induction heating provides:
ā€¢ Faster, repeatable and consistent results
ā€¢ Localized heat produces neat and clean joints
ā€¢ Hands-free heating that involves no operator skill forĀ manufacturing
ā€¢ Even distribution of heating
